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Blue Unlimited Collective

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The word diet gets thrown around so much that people usually get confused as to its true meaning. Diet is often seen as something negative, but this shouldn’t be the case. Diet needs to be associated with a person’s overall food intake and it should not just focus on restriction or “being on a diet”.

differs from diet. People need to be aware of nutrition and how crucial it is to the improvement of their health. Diet and nutrition are two factors that your consumers need to know about and it’s important to recognize the difference between the two. As a food service provider, your business revolves around helping your customers achieve a good diet and proper nutrition.

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Guests are the people that booked a trip with Blue Unlimited. We think that guests are not customers since we will experience every trip altogether. The attending members of the Blue Unlimited Collective and the guests will need to build strong bonds within a trip, will need to work together either on everyday tasks aroung the camp or to get the best out of the Peak Activities (?).


Blue Unlimited is not supposed to run trips on its own, instead it works as a Platform that accommodates different ideas of what a trip would look like based on the same basic principles and common values. This is where Flavors come in place; Flavors are these different ideas planned by the Coordinators, members of Blue Unlimited Collective, that will connect a specific audience to specific trip plans.

Flavors are:

  • backed up by Blue Unlimited resources and guidance
  • managed by Coordinators; every Coordinator is free to imagine and plan his own activities, the duration of the trip, the places to visit and the general theme

In that way, we are able to accommodate different, unique audiences with totally different purposes for their trip.

Learn more about our wide selection of Flavors here.

Flavor Coordinator

Flavors are managed by members of the Collective that are highly experienced in their field. We call them Coordinators of the Flavor and are in charge of:


  • The trip goal
  • Trip and activity planning
  • When the trip will take place
  • Get in touch with the target audience and manage bookings

Why is Appendix needed anyway?

Blue Unlimited is introducing a new concept for outdoor activities and a way of thinking, so it needs new words to describe this concept.

Appendix is order alphabetically.